Kingdom: Two Crowns
Kingdom : Two Crowns est une continuation de la stratégie de gestion des pixels avec une vue latérale dans un cadre fantastique, où l'accent est mis sur le jeu... En savoir plus
Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 30.04.2020]
1588335074_1588335074_kingdomtwocrowns.zipTélécharger 5.88 kBMot de passe pour l'archive : vgtimes
[prince/princess related] scripts:
crown safe // Сохранность Короны
- player won't lose the crown when being attack.
ignore coins // Бесплатные Покупки за Золото
- you can still "buy" things even when you have no coins left in the bag.
ignore gems // Бесплатные Покупки за Алмазы
- sames as ignore coins except it works for gems.
inf. stamina // Беск. Выносливость
- you can keep sprinting and using steed's ability as much as you want.
move speed mod key // Изм. Скорость Передвижения
- the steed would run faster when you hold the specified key, which can be changed via the entry, default: SPACEBAR.
force custom model // Изм. Модель Игрока
- force the game to use the specified model for the prince/princess.
- have to be activated before loading a game or starting a new game.
- it might be showing a different model on the loading screen than what you chose, but the in-game model would be the same as you chose.
force custom skin colour // Изм. Цвет Скина Игрока
- force the game to use the specified skin colour for the prince/princess.
- have to be activated before loading a game or starting a new game.
- it might be showing a different skin colour on the loading screen than what you chose, but the in-game skin colour would be the same as you chose.
[troops related] scripts:
beggars spawn behaviour mod // Изм. Количество Попрошаек
- when activated, the spawn interval for all the beggars camp would be shorten drastically.
- you may choose the number of beggars allowed per camp by changing the entry "max beggars spawned per camp"
- "max beggars spawned per camp" default: 10, can be changed by editing the script, line 3.
archers — shoot speed mutliplier // Изм. Скорость Стрельбы для Лучников
- ported from previous game, seems not working very well on this game, may look into it more later.
knight — non-demote-able // Рыцари не Понижаются до Крестьян
- ported from previous game, haven't actually test this yet.
- the knights won't be demoted back to peasants when taken damage.
- it may work on other troops that would be demoted when they drop the coins on damage taken.
knight — max archers mod // Макс. Кол. Лучников Рядом с Рыцарем
- when activated, allows you to customise the max number of archers following the knights.
- "custom max archers" default: 8, can be changed by editing the script, line 3.
[buildings related] scripts:
indestructible walls // Неразрушимые Стены
- walls would still be damaged when being hit, but they can't be destroyed.
- haven't tested this since the Dead Lands patch, will update this accordingly.
ignore stone tech requirement // Игн. Требования по Кам. Тех.
- as title says, allows you to build stone tech required structure without the need to obtain it first.
ignore iron tech requirement // Игн. Требования по Жел. Тех.
- as title says, allows you to build iron tech required structure without the need to obtain it first.
unlock all steeds // Разблокировать Всех Скакунов
- unlock all steeds for the current game, all steeds would be gathered at the stable automatically once you built one.
Процесс запуска:
1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу
2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.
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